Entity validation is the first step in getting your Unique Entity ID or registering in SAM.gov. Review time will depend on whether we can make a match from your original document submission or if we need to request additional documentation. Have questions? Our online resource page contains helpful information about this process.
System Alerts
FSRS users can now connect their FSRS accounts to SAM.gov. Please go to https://sam.gov/fsrs and follow the steps on the page.
Continue subaward reporting at FSRS.gov until further notice. We will let you know when it is time to start reporting in SAM.gov.
SAM.gov undergoes routine, scheduled maintenance at the following days and times:
Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM (ET);
SAM.gov may be unavailable during these times.
Use the new download button to get a list of all FASCSA orders. See our blog for more details.
GSA vendors may be the targets of fraudulent phishing emails.
Phishing is a scheme that lures victims into providing personal or financial information.
Do not open unsolicited emails or suspicious attachments/links.
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency offers tips on avoiding phishing attacks.